Thursday, September 20, 2018

We Talk About Mobile Phone Shops

By Jennifer Brown

If you are the gadget type and just cannot seem to get enough of them, then this is the article for you. Or not. Maybe you are not exactly interested in what we have to say, in which we would not blame you. There is a likely chance that we will once again divert from the main topic and go off on our won. Well, enough of that passive aggressive crap, here is Mobile Phone Shop North York Toronto.

She had been feeling miserable all through the month but this just takes the cake. She tried not to pull her hair out of frustration and genuine stress. This was NOT happening. She will not believe it. What do you mean she has been kidnapped? She screamed frantically into her phone.

It does not work and she hardly felt any better.This cannot be a coincidence. She muttered to her angry reflection. It just cannot be a coincidence that Rei gets kidnapped on the exact day the stalking stops.She thought the hell was over on that day. She finally felt relaxed when she did not feel the usual prickle on the back of her neck when someone was watching her.

The stalking really did not escalate to something really dangerous or disturbing but that feeling... The feeling of being stared at and being judged? She absolutely hated it.Lace snorts to herself, storming out the bathroom and away from her reflection. She used to love the attention. But now she just wished everyone would leave her alone. But now Reinan is gone.

Jesus Christ. She cursed. Her hands had become clammy and she rubbed her palms into her pants as she tried not to shake in fear and worry. You... You do not think she is... The greenette cannot even finish that sentence without choking on her anxiety. Thankfully, Xerxes cut in rather fiercely.

Sorry. There was a pause from Xerxes end. Then she sighed. We have to meet up. A. S. A. P. Where? The greenette asked shortly. Demis.Was the answer. She is supposed to be surprised but not all her emotions were intact for now. For all she knew, there could be a fire in the next building and she would just laugh at it.

It is not difficult since she can kind of hear the bluenettes rapid footsteps from the phone.She swallowed down the fear clogging her throat, her lips trembling at the thought of Reinan. She CANNOT be dead, right? Her best friend. The one that never fails to make her laugh and is almost a sister to her.

Xerxes said the terrorists took her so that means she is still alive, right? But... For how long? Did you tell Hanz? Her dad is a cop, right? Can we ask him? He is not busy so he must have a clue. Cops are supposed to help and Rei is like a daughter to her too, right?

She KNEW who took her friend. And maybe she was too late but this... This is bullcrap. Stalking me is fine. She thought savagely. But nobody shoots my friends and then takes them from me. No one gets to do that after the hell she just put herself though unknowingly.

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